About our Restaurant

"The Goose's Acre" was a small triangular green park at the junction of the northern approach roads to the Main Street of Midleton, County Cork. Landscaped with a variety of flowerbeds, shrubs and trees, the "acre" formed an attractive amenity feature that was much admired by visitors to the town. Here also was located the town's horse-trough and weighbridge, both necessities in times past. For over a century it was a landmark of which the townspeople were very proud. It was an important focal location for local ceremonies. In the centre of the plot stood a flagpole where on special occasions the National Flag was flown. Once a year, from 1920 to 1978 this special little area became hallowed ground, it being the location for the Benediction Service during the annual Corpus Christi Possession.

It is believed the name "The Goose's Acre" derived from the fact that in former times a local resident, Kate Barr, grazed her gaggle of geese there daily. And when farmers brought their goods to market, this is the area in which the geese were kept. Now all that remains of "The Goose's Acre" is the portion on which is sited the monument of the War of Independence and the recently erected ogham stone commemorating the United Irishman John Walsh, "The Blacksmith of Ballyannon".

The late Ray Lawton was wont to recite this vers' when lamenting the removal of "The Goose's Acre" in 1978, to make way for the roundabout.

They Shot the Felon

Who Stole the Goose

From Out the Acre,

But Let the Greater

Felons Loose,

Who Stole the Acre

From the Goose

The Goose's Acre Irish Pub stood on Main Street, Midleton, County Cork, immediately in front of "The Goose's Acre." The pub has been handed down from father to son through the years. In 2005, the pub was forced to close to make way for new development.

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